January 2021 Book Updates

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Where the hell is Hell’s Revenge?

Okay, I know I had promised to release Hell's Revenge: The Rise and Fall of a Pirate Queen on Talk Like A Pirate Day this September. But, well, I’ve got another project that is taking precedence.

I’m having baby! My son will be born in July.

So, here’s the thing. I was supposed to finish the first draft of the book in November during NaNoWriMo. That was also when all the first trimester symptoms hit. For most of November, I could barely stay awake, and when I was awake, I was too nauseous to concentrate. Needless to say, the first draft is not done.

Could I realistically rush and get the book out in September? Sure. But I wouldn’t be doing Hell justice. This book is special, and I’m more proud of it than anything else I’ve written. Also, having a baby is expensive, which means paying my editors, cover artist, and formatter is not entirely feasible.

And to be honest, I feel like half my time is spent looking at baby stuff and reading parenting books and blogs and daydreaming about my little boy. I like it that way!

I’m working on Hell's Revenge, but I’m taking my time. My hope is to finish the first draft before this summer and get it to betas in the fall.

So, the new release date is now September 19, 2022. That’s still Talk Like a Pirate Day. Keep an eye on my social media and blog for new updates!


Krystal Craiker